m-00-n program notes
I started composition on m-00-n in 2015 right around the same time I was beginning composition on a commission from my friend, the great composer Dr. Caleb Pickering, a vibe solo called ‘kiwi fruit’ which eventually became a marimba solo. I got to the end of movement 1, got bored, shelved it, and thought that was the end of the piece’s lifespan.
I re-evaluated the piece in 2019, and finished the third movement. Again, I shelved it because life get the best of us, thinking I was officially done with these ideas.
I came back to the piece a final time in 2024, after a dark depression, to finish it and enter it for the PAS Composition contest. I was fully aware I would not win, but I wanted to enter to give an excuse to finish writing a new piece, which I had not done in quite some time. I am very happy with the result and poured my heart into this composition. This is by far my favorite piece of mine to date, and I hope you enjoy it as well.
The idea of the piece revolves around future travel to a far away galaxy, where an unknown system of planets exists, being orbited by 3 moons; m-00-n, m-00-n.5, and m00nie. Each has their own distinct texture, size, and enviroment. I will not describe my personal feelings in detail, but I want the music to convey what the performer feels each moon is.
Every performance of this piece is different. The piano parts can be played through any keyboard/piano/synth that the programmer chooses. This means, if possible, there can be 4 grand pianos, or 4 electric synths, 4 keytars, 4 computers connected to MIDI that output synth sounds, or a combination of any sort that meets the range of the parts, so different keyboards/pianos can mix and match depending on what you want. Electric wind instruments that can connect via MIDI and output keyboard sounds are welcomed as well. The possibilities are endless and truly make this a piece that can different every time, based on what kind of “moons” the programmer wants to visit.
Exploration is on the periphery of your vision.
Enjoy your travels!
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